Department of education long service leave wa. au Part I — Preliminary provisions 1.
Department of education long service leave wa Cessation of Employment — Teaching Service — payment in lieu of entitlements; Other Employment — employment while on leave; Parental Absence The changes to long service leave regulations enhance clarity and provide certainty of worker entitlements, including strengthening the portability of the scheme. 10 of the Agreement. au to become entitled to the long service leave or payment on termination instead of long service leave; WA LSL Education and training. gov. Private Sector Labour Relations at the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety is able to investigate alleged underpayments of long service leave entitlements under the WA Long Service Leave Act and the WA Local Government Long Service Leave Regulations. 44) 12 Dec 1958. You need to provide statements of service showing your work history. Citation. At the time of writing, the changes have not been proclaimed by the Minister, but it is expected that proclamation will occur in D23/1672063 © Department of Education WA October 2023 3 Entitlements Minimum employment entitlements There are minimum employment entitlements for work. These regulations are the Local Government (Long Service Leave) Regulations 2024. Ensure you have the latest version from the Policy Frameworks website. 2. An employee is entitled to take another 4. Financial Management Act 2006. Home Teach and work in regional WA. Examples include: o attending court dates or other legal proceedings the long service leave entitlement of local government employees is higher than that provided to private sector employees in the Long Service Leave Act 1958; long service leave is portable between local governments, regional local governments (referring to section 3. For information on who is covered, visit coverage of the Deferred Salary Leave Ability to reduce income by 20% per year over 4 years and have paid leave in the fifth year at 80%. Many private sector employers and employees in Western Australia are covered by the WA Long Service Leave Act 1958. Long Service Leave Act 1958 Long Service Leave Act 1958 Part I Preliminary provisions s. Agreement . Long Service Leave Act 1958 Part I Preliminary provisions s. Emergency Service Leave • Paid leave for active volunteer members of State Emergency Service Units, St John Ambulance Brigade, Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service Brigades, Bush Fire Brigades, Volunteer Marine Rescue Services Short title. ; Principals should request a medical certificate for prolonged absences that are due to sickness or injury. For further information on unauthorised absences beyond the secondment period: Labour Relations Branch. Long service leave (LSL) is leave granted with pay to employees after they complete a defined period of employment or service with their employer. Speak to someone from our team to find out more about our opportunities for pre-service teachers and psychologists. au Manage staff absent without leave (staff only) allowing advanced long service leave and the cashing out of long service leave; clear protections for entitlements in the event of unfair or unlawful dismissal. Page 4 of 6 Department of Health . direct the clearance of accrued long service leave or other excessive outstanding leave where intervention is necessary; and Education Department Ministerial Officers’ Salaries Allowances and Conditions Award 1983 (staff only) School Education Act 1999 (WA) State Research Stations, Agricultural Schools and College Workers Award 1971 4. During 2020 and 2021 the JobKeeper scheme operated throughout Australia. This will be paid as leave on Conditions of employment, leave and allowances provided under this Agreement or the Award do not apply to a Casual Employee with the exception of bereavement leave, long service leave, Department of Education 2020 *Screen shot HRMIS v9. au www. T: (08) 9264 4921. au employer-employee agreement has the meaning given in the IR Act section 7(1); Recognition of prior teaching service. Address: Mailing address. T: (08) 9264 4412. 13 weeks long service leave every seven years of continuous service Purchase up to 10 weeks additional leave per year. Industry Capability Network WA; International Trade Services; Membership; Local Government (Long Service Leave) Regulations . Refer to the Department of Commerce’s published Circular to Departments and Authorities No 3 of 2016. Long Service Leave Act 1958. Public Holidays 18. Education Department Ministerial Officers’ Salaries, Allowances and Conditions Award 1983. 7. The statement needs to include the: job title; name of In December 2021, the WA Parliament passed changes to the Long Service Leave Act. Refer to Appendix B for a flowchart of the injury management process. The information in this article regarding LSL for Western Australian The Department of Education follows the WorkCover WA’s injury management model. Employment before commencement of this Act 9 Part III — Entitlements to long service leave or to payment in lieu thereof 8. Generous leave options Four weeks annual leave per calendar year with 17. 319). Government Officers’ Salaries, Allowances and Conditions Award 1989. G. Approval date. To be entitled to long service leave under the WA Long Service Leave Act 1958, an employee’s employment with their employer must be continuous. Leave Management Policy An employee who is unable to perform the inherent duties required of their position due to long term or permanent medical The Family and Domestic Violence Guidelines provide information on additional leave provisions, support available for employees experiencing family and domestic violence and how principals and line managers can assist employees in these circumstances. Evolving from our colonial history, LSL was introduced to allow workers to sail Long Service Leave Act 1958 Part II Construction and application of this Act Division 1 General s. When deemed necessary to optimise the return to work outcome, the Department’s Injury Management Consultant will refer the injured employee, with the approval of the medical practitioner, to 3. 3371). 4A page 4 Version 04-k0-00 As at 01 Jul 2022 Published on www. au Part I — Preliminary provisions 1. School Education Act 1999. A. means the Department of Education Enterprise Agreement 2024-2027. The School Education Act 1999 requires that an explanation of a student’s absence is provided within three school days from the start of the absence. 24 Dec 1958 (see s. au March 2022 Construction Industry Long Service Leave Payments Board trading as MyLeave ABN 43 638 379 092 Please Note: if you have interstate service, all The regulations for local government long service leave have been replaced after 46 years. (i) “General Order” means General Order No. The entitlement to long service leave under the Long Service Leave Act depends on the length of the employee’s continuous employment. This leave will need to be accessed by 31 December 2022. The WA long service leave calculator can be used for employees covered by the Western Australian Long Service Leave Act 1958. Contact our Pre-service development program team. Salaries 11. This may include service with a previous employer where there has Long Service Leave Act 1958 Construction and application of this Act Part II General Division 1 s. We worked with the Department of Finance and an independent health expert to develop a ventilation strategy for schools based on natural ventilation and Cf. An employee who ceases employment with at least 7 years' service will be paid in lieu of their accrued long service leave entitlement. 2 and Gazette 24 Dec 1958 p. The long service leave entitlement when employment ends is based on: the length of the contract registered under the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 Part 7 Division 2; award means an award in force under the IR Act; equivalent to the entitlement to WA LSL to take long service leave and to be paid on termination instead of long service leave. . The Government of Western Australia Department of Education . Subscribe to Wageline News. EAST PERTH WA 6892. The state leave sharing program enables state employees to come to the aid of another state employee who meet the criteria to be eligible to request shared leave donations (WAC 357-31-405 or WFSE CBA Article 14). Because the Full time, part time, casual and seasonal employees may have an entitlement to payment of long service leave when their employment ends Use this calculator to estimate how many weeks of long service leave an employee is entitled to if the employee resigns, is dismissed, made redundant or dies after 10 or more Eligible employees with one or more day/s of LSL may elect to take the LSL as leave. Likes us on Under the WA Long Service Leave Act, when a full time, part time, casual or seasonal employee completes 10 years of continuous employment, they accrue an entitlement to 8. Around 23,000 local government employees in Western Australia are set to benefit from clearer long service leave entitlements with the State Government this week introducing new regulations that will provide clarity and Government (Long Service Leave) Regulations 2024 . (5) Subsection (6) applies to an employee — means the Secretary of Department of Education, or Secretary’s delegate. 1 Extended leave - general. The State Government’s new Local Government (Long Service Leave) Regulations 2024 will take effect from 1 September 2024, Department of Education Awards and General Agreements (staff only) or directly to the WA Industrial Relations Commission website. months work with the department. au [PCO 01-d0-00] superseded long service benefits scheme means — (a) the Long Service Leave Act 1958; (b) by-laws made pursuant to section 230 of the Act The long-standing position was casuals in the WA public sector were not entitled to accrue Long Service Leave (LSL) under the Long Service Leave Act 1958 (WA). Following sector feedback, small updates have been made to the Long service leave calculator Watch our long service leave videos. History of changes The new regulations improve the operation of the local government long service leave portability scheme, which is an integral part of local government employment conditions. 6. 1 also apply in the case of an employee or educator who absconds from the service of one department and assumes duty in any other department. Using FDV leave does not affect salary increment dates, personal leave entitlements, long service leave entitlements or annual leave entitlements. 5. I. wa. Assistance. For the initial 10 years of long service leave entitlement (8 2 / 3 weeks) you can take leave on only 3 occasions and the minimum period of leave is 1 week. au. State Supply Commission Act 1991 An employee’s personal leave, annual leave and long service leave entitlements are determined based on the aggregate of the employee’s current service. It D23/1601903 6 10 October 2023 In the case of teachers, who are not public service officers, the Department may terminate the teacher’s employment on the grounds of ill health under clause 33. Long Service If an employee is a compensated employee under the Minimum Conditions of Employment Act), their rate of pay for a period of paid annual leave, personal leave or bereavement leave is the higher of the following:. 763 of 1982 Long Service Leave Conditions State – Government Wages Employees (66 W. Saving provision1. E: recruitment. Part 1 — Preliminary. The annual and long service leave liability of each Department and Organisation will be provided to Cabinet every six months. 44 of 1958 (7 Eliz. 5% leave loading. leave intranet webpage. The Long Service Leave Act applies to most private sector full time, part time and casual employees in Western Australia, including employees covered by national modern awards. II No. Where a closing date is specified, principals must not admit for assessment late applications unless it can be shown that the late applications were mishandled by the Department or by an official postal or telecommunication service. It also has application to the Western Australian Police Force. These changes will also bring specific benefits for employees who have worked casually or part-time or who have moved between employers, which is especially important for women and long service leave – employees are entitled to 13 weeks long service leave for every 7 or 10 years of continuous service, depending on the applicable industrial award/agreement paid parental leave for 14 weeks and unpaid parental leave or unpaid partner leave for birth or adoption, with the possibility of extending the period of leave without use FDV leave to attend special appointments or for other personal or family safety-related matters. 333 weeks of paid long service leave for every further 5 years of continuous employment. Access personal leave if you are ill, you need to care for a dependent, or have × The WA Government has assumed a caretaker role in advance of the State General Election on 8 March 2025. Leave, Long Service Leave, Accrued Day Off, Rostered Day Off and Time Off In Lieu recordkeeping processes is available at the WA Health . Long Service Leave Act, Tasmania, a 5. Any approved prior service is included as service for personal leave and long service leave purposes, less the amount of personal leave or long service leave previously granted or paid in lieu. APS . View all policies. 4 page 4 Version 04-h0-00 As at 22 Dec 2021 Published on www. Check to see if you are covered. 2) 1964 The long-standing position was casuals in the WA public sector were not entitled to accrue Long Service Leave (LSL) under the Long Service Leave Act 1958 (WA). for travelling allowance rates for Christmas and Cocos (Keeling) Islands Local Government (Long Service Leave) Regulations repealed1. Commencement This Act shall come into operation on a day to be fixed by 5. Assent. Long Service Leave as provided by the Long Service Leave Act 1955 is only available to casual Many private sector employers and employees in Western Australia are covered by the WA Long Service Leave Act 1958. On 16 September 2019, Government Sector Labour Relations (GSLR) advised that casual employees will be afforded long service leave pursuant to the Long Service Leave Act 1958 (WA). Guidance. Compilation table1. What constitutes continuous employment 6 7. This may include service with a previous employer where there has allowing advanced long service leave and the cashing out of long service leave; clear protections for entitlements in the event of unfair or unlawful dismissal. Overtime Allowance 16. au industrial inspector means an Industrial Inspector as defined in the Industrial Relations Act 1979; industrial magistrate’s court has the meaning given by the Industrial Relations Act 1979 For example, the WA Long Service Leave Act 1958 allows employees to take long service leave in separate periods of not less than 1 week (by agreement) and the NT Long Service Leave Act 1981 allows for the leave (g) “Employer” means the Director General of the Department of Education or successor. Harley is paid a base salary plus commission, meaning Harley’s ordinary pay for this period is calculated over a period totalling 365 days ending on the day immediately before Harley Documents relating to calculation of long service leave and calculation and recognition of prior service. 18 year olds enrolled in school are subject to the same attendance requirements as other students. Commencement. Certificate of Service 7. Queries@education. If you move to another State or Territory, your WA service can count in that State towards a long service leave benefit. 4A page 4 Version 04-j0-00 As at 20 Jun 2022 Published on www. State: https granting long service leave; commuting long service leave to salary; school vacations and Public Holidays during long service leave; illness or injury during long service leave; Related policies. Part-Time Employment 9. 1. Reprint of the Long Service Leave Act 1958 authorised 30 Jan 1963. The Department of Education acknowledges the Traditional Owners and Custodians of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, waters and community. Commencement of long service leave 13 10. 38 of the School Education Act Employees' (Teachers Application for Payment of Long Service Leave PO Box 1333 West Perth WA 6872 T: 08 9476 5400 F: 08 9321 5404 Country Callers: 1800 198 136 hi@myleave. edu. Annual Increments 12. (h) “General Agreement” means the Education Assistants’ (Government) General Agreement 2021. 6 Appointment. Under the WA Long Service Leave Act, when an employee completes 10 years of continuous employment, they are entitled to take 8. au employer-employee agreement has the meaning given in appointed in another department, with a break in service, shall be regarded as a new employee and the accrual of leave commences as in the case of a first appointment. School Vacation Leave 17. As at 17 Apr 2024 Official Version page i [PCO 01-d0-00] Published on www. An education support class employee may, in lieu of the whole or part of their unpaid parental Long service leave (LSL) entitlements are dealt with in the National Employment Standards (NES), which partially preserve federal award entitlements that existed on 31 December 2009. Long Service Leave Act Amendment Act (No. Arts education; Community education; Curriculum development; This means that the WA Long Service Leave Act will prevail over a long service leave provision in an enterprise agreement where that provision is less beneficial than the state Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety > Private Sector allowing advanced long service leave and the cashing out of long service leave clear protections for the entitlements in the event of unfair or unlawful dismissal. Prior to appointment, or at the conclusion of the breach period (where one is Long service leave. the employee’s rate of pay at the time the leave is taken; the employee’s rate of pay immediately before the employee became entitled to Long service leave entitlements depend on the length of continuous Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety > Private Sector Labour Relations. The Department of Education’s Policies website is the repository for all our policies and delegations. Australian Defence Force Cadets. (1) The Board of Reference may exempt an employer from the operation of this Act in respect of his employees if it is satisfied that there is an existing or proposed scheme, conferring benefits in the nature of long service leave which in its opinion are or will be, viewed as a whole, not less the long service leave entitlement of local government employees is higher than that provided to private sector employees in the Long Service Leave Act 1958; long service leave is portable between local governments, regional local governments (referring to section 3. An employee will then accrue a further 4. 1 page 2 Compare 14 Apr 2022 [04-i0-00] / 20 Jun 2022 [04-j0-00] Published on www. Notes. Contract of Service 7B Transitional Arrangements – 2005 Workload Recognition 8. the time fraction that the employee was working immediately prior to commencing long service leave, if the employee ceases long service leave on half pay immediately before commencing maternity leave; Annual leave and additional paid leave. Number and year. GSLR 6. Taking leave in advance 14 Part IV — Enforcement of the Members who have started at a WA TAFE college immediately after ceasing work with another government agency should check that their long service leave entitlements are correct. National Relay Service helps people who are deaf, hearing Under the WA Long Service Leave Act, after 7 years of continuous employment, a full time, part time or casual employee may have an entitlement to payment of long service leave when their employment ends due to resignation, dismissal, redundancy or if the employee dies. Defined terms Local Government Act 1995. We may recognise previous service if your experience isn’t in a school teaching role. Page 6 of 6 . Need translating and interpreting help to call Wageline? Use the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50. Following sector feedback, small updates have been made to the Public service officers (for example, central and regional office staff and managers corporate services) Public Service Award 1992. Local Government (Long Service Leave) Regulations 2024. Short title This Act may be cited as the Long Service Leave Act 1958. the regulations will improve the operation and strength of the sector’s long service leave portability scheme which is an integral part of local Ventilation in classrooms helps minimise the risk of spreading COVID-19. This means that when staff change employment from one local government to another, their previous service continues to count towards their long service leave entitlements. A separate legislative instrument for local government long service leave exists for two key reasons: • the long service leave entitlement of local government employees is higher than that provided to private sector employees in the . au Published on www. Minimal updates will be made to this site until after the election results are known. Where federal award-based entitlements do not apply, state legislation provides LSL entitlements. Bandwidth Understand. Many private sector employers and employees in Western Australia in both the national and state industrial relations systems are covered by the WA Long Service Leave Act 1958. Contact. This means when staff change employment from one local government to another, their previous service continues to count towards their long service leave entitlements. Employees may donate accrued leave (WAC 357-31-425 or WFSE CBA Article 14) to a fellow state employee who is suffering from or has a relative The Department of Education’s human resource policies provide a framework that supports the understanding and application of best human resource management practices in the workplace. Casual Employment 10. 333 weeks of long service leave for every 5 years of continuous employment after the initial 10 years. 667 weeks of paid long service leave. 7. 5 Late applications. Teachers (Public Sector Primary and Secondary Education) Award 1993. Remote Teaching Service; Housing and transport assistance; Aboriginal people have a long tradition of teaching and learning through sharing their connections with country Act 1999 by the Director General of the Department of Education of Western Australia in the classifications outlined in section 237 of the School Education Act 1999 and Regulations 127 and 127A of the School Education Regulations 2000 who are members or are eligible to be members of The State School Teachers' Union of WA (Incorporated). direct the clearance of accrued long service leave or other excessive outstanding leave where intervention is necessary; and authorise leave applied for, using the Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) (staff only) Self Service or leave Our employees get a wide range of leave entitlements which include: deferred salary scheme (deferring some of your annual salary over 4 years, which is then paid to you during the fifth The Department of Education manages leave in the context of Western Australian Government mandates, governing legislation, relevant industrial Awards and Agreements, The LSL Act provides a leave entitlement of 8 2⁄3 weeks per 10 years of continuous service, with a pro-rata payment due on termination after seven years’ service. means the Australian Public Service. means the Australian Navy Cadets, Australian Army Cadets, or the Australian Air Force Cadets. Wageline. It ensures that employees and line managers are informed about, leave procedures and leave management strategies under relevant Awards Government (Long Service Leave) Regulations 2024 . It also contains other information including procedures, guidelines, and links to relevant legislation and other authorities. Email us Long service leave in WA. The key points are as follows: Long Service Leave Act 1958 Part II Construction and application of this Act s. Telephone: 1300 655 266. legislation. 2 The provisions of paragraph 2. If you believe you have been underpaid a long service leave entitlement This Policy Statement applies to all Departments and Organisations as defined under the Public Sector Management Act 1994 (WA) and their employees. 28. 6. 11 This Agreement shall apply to Employees who are employed pursuant to section 235 of the School Education Act 1999 by the Director General of the Department of Education of Western The Department of Education manages leave in the context of Western Australian Government mandates, governing legislation, relevant industrial Awards and Agreements, Public Service Award 1992 (staff only) School Education Act 1999 (WA) Labourrelations. Long service leave 11 9. While the term ‘long service leave” has been commonly used in the teaching service, permanent and temporary teachers receive extended leave in accordance with Part 4, Division 5 of the Teaching Service Act 1980 and Determination 6 of 2006. Call us at (08) 9264 0098 or email ProfessionalPrac@education. Call the National Relay Service on 13 36 77 and ask to call Long Service Leave Act 1958 Part II Construction and application of this Act Division 1 General s. 3. When it comes to managing Long Service Leave (LSL) for employees in WA, there is some flexibility in the way the entitlement can be accessed and managed. Email: wageline@demirs. GSLR Public Service Award 1992. For example: TAFE and university lecturers; teachers in alternative schools; childcare workers. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and Elders The policy provides an operational framework to raise employees’ and line managers’ knowledge and understanding of entitlements and responsibilities related to leave eligibility, application and approval processes. Skills Acquisition 13. National Relay Service helps people who are deaf, hearing and/or speech-impaired contact Wageline. 61 of the Act) and the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA). Higher Duties Allowance 15. Locked Bag 100. 4A Compare 20 Jun 2022 [04-j0-00] / 01 Jul 2022 [04-k0-00] page 5 Published on www. myleave. Long Service Leave Act 1958 Long service leave entitlements and what employees get paid when taking Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety > Private Sector Labour Relations. secondmentandtransfer@education. The amount of long service leave is determined by the employee’s period of continuous employment. Public Sector CSA Agreement 2024: School support officers (for example, managers corporate services, school officers, laboratory technicians and library officers) Department of Education (School Support Officers) Award Secondment Officer, Staff Recruitment and Employment Services. Show Search Search. 1 page 2 Compare 13 Nov 2024 [04-l0-00] / 31 Jan 2025 [04-m0-00] Published on www. Go to whole of WA Government search. The rules for crediting previously accrued long service leave are set out in subclause 55. Hours of Duty 14. Search. 94 weeks. If the cessation is as a result of age or ill health which is deemed to be permanent, payment in lieu of long service leave entitlement is made after 4 years' service. 2. Limited contracting-out of long service leave 6 6. 13 November 2018 . Harley’s employer has used the WA long service leave calculator to estimate Harley’s pro rata long service leave entitlement, which equates to 6.
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